Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Sunday in the Bar!

So I worked this sunday, which I do not usually, but I had to trade shifts so my children would not have to stay home alone...JUST KIDDING. Anyway, I knew sundays were not a big night for the bar,and tonight I had a total of 4 customers. 
One of those was the very famous Dirty Don. I was graced with his presence for yet the 3rd day in a row. So as he talked about his tooth that was bothering him I also got to partake in watching him dig at it with an umbrella toothpick. What he did with the umbrella was the icing on the cake. He stuck it in a small vase with roses in it. Why do people think they can pick at their teeth and then leave their picker either on the table, or better yet, in a vase with flowers?
My 2nd customer of the day was a gal that was traveling on the greyhound  bus, which is an experience in itself. She had an 11 hour ride south ahead of her, all because her flight got cancelled and she would not be able to get another until wednesday. So needless to say she wanted a  whole bottle of wine but did not bring the cash for it, so she had to settle for 2 glasses to hopefully put her to sleep on the bus.
My 3rd and 4th were at the same really I had 3 tables. Two nice ladies that I really have nothing interesting to say about.

BUT... I did have to fire an employee tonight. This was a long time coming for him. He is a nice guy but too many years of drug abuse have left his brain very cloudy. This is a guy who starts his shift at 6 and by 730 wants a smoke break. He forgot orders, was and air head, and worst of all wore petruli oil (that word is not even in spell check but sound it out and you know what I am talking about) No offense, but that stuff stinks. I dont know what was worse, that smell or his severe Body odor. Which I brought to his attention often.Ok so back to the story, this could not have gone better! I told him we just did not have the hours for him so we would have to let him go. He says " Oh, no problem, I can get unemployment, 
right?" Just so you know, the kid works about 8-10 at the most, hours a week. Can you even get unemployment for that? Which is exactly what I said to him. But all and all it was the easiest firing I have ever had to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this one was hilarious!