Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our youth.

Why do most people work? To get money. So if you dont have kids, a house payment or even rent, why do you work? Well I have figured it out! ALCOHOL! There is a select few in the Youth category that I work with that live at home, do not attend school, and barely work. I dont think they could even make enough money to pay for car insurance and gas. But by golly they can afford alcohol. And not the cheep stuff either! It must be nice to have no cares in the world except "what do I drink tonight?"


Anonymous said...

are you talking about my sister? Wait, no, just kidding. Kind of. No really. Anyway....

DUDE! I commented on your other post AND I emailed you back about the blogging stuff.

Also, I totally thought of you when I was writing in my last post (the one with typing, not the pictures) about nursing Owen and saying I think I need to break up with him....all I heard was you saying "sick bitch" over and over. HAHA!!!

Anonymous said...

I added you to my roll beyotch.