Monday, September 8, 2008

Dirty Don

This posting is going to highlight one of my regular customers that I have nicknamed "Dirty Don". Don has been coming into the bar for about 3 years. Every Friday, (my day) and sometimes he hits other weekdays, if I am lucky I am not working. Don was given the name "Dirty Don" , simply because he is a sick old fart. A common phrase Don can expect to hear from me is "shut up Don". Trust me, sometimes he needs it! Don is unknowing of his name, he knows we think he is a sick old fart, but he never knew we called him "Dirty Don" until I ran into him outside the restaurant with my 2 boys, and at that time baby girl.(I was out on maternity leave, and yes I did bar tend whilt pregnant) Anyways we see Don walking up an my oldest blurts out is that "Dirty Don"? I tried to talk over him thinking that Don did not hear, but I am pretty sure he did. So now its just common knowledge that Don is "Dirty Don" 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't your dad's name Don? ;-) heehee

You need an overall title for these bar wench tales. HAHAHA!!

I hope you have figured out how to read your comments by now!